Therapy for Anxiety

In Louisiana and Virginia

Your Anxiety Doesn’t Deserve To Be In Charge

For many of the patients I see at my practice, that’s exactly how it feels. Anxious thoughts and feelings can be intrusive, relentless, and incredibly painful. In the thick of it, many people tailor their lives to avoid anxious situations and spend inordinate amounts of time stuck on anxious thoughts.

For high-achieving women, though, anxiety often looks a bit different. While anxiety can leave many people feeling immobilized, these women have instead become the valedictorians of anxious action. Always in motion, always achieving, always succeeding. In reality, often try their hardest to outrun their anxiety. Many of my patients have said that even if they could easily get rid of the anxious thoughts (ha), they sometimes feel vital to hold onto. It almost feels as if by worrying you can control the outcome or weather the storm a little better. (“I just need to really think through all the scenarios to make sure I’m prepared.”)

You May Not Notice Your Anxiety Symptoms

On the flip side, you might not even notice these thoughts as anxiety if they’ve been part of your life since day one. This is often the case for women who have reached high degrees of success — many of us have been A+ overachievers since the age of six, not even realizing how much our perfectionism was actually hurting us. Sometimes it’s honestly difficult to determine what thoughts in your head are yours and which are actually the voice of anxiety whispering to keep you small and scared. Instead, you may notice your headaches have been worse lately, or your imposter syndrome is off the charts, or your perfectionism is getting a little bit out of control.

Whichever flavor your anxiety comes in, though, it should not be the one in the driver’s seat. Anxiety therapy — especially with an anxiety therapist who specializes in how anxiety presents for you — can be an excellent way to put YOU back in charge.

Image of a stressed woman laying in bed covering her face with her hands. Discover how therapy for anxiety in New Orleans, LA can help you effectively cope with your symptoms as a professional woman.

Symptoms of Anxiety in High Achieving Women

If it’s always been there, or if it feels motivating, how do I know if what I’m feeling is “anxiety?” And at what point does that mean it’s a problem? Here are a few factors you should be keeping an eye out for:

Constant Worry

That never-ending stream of “what ifs”, the self-deprecating thoughts about “good enough,” the relentless worry even when things are going well (If this sounds like you, take a look at this podcast for a meditation on noticing — and dismissing — thoughts that aren’t helping you.


I know you have high standards, but perfectionism takes that 10 steps too far. Self-criticism, anxiety about meeting those standards, overemphasis on weaknesses or “failures,” dissatisfaction with your successes, and fear of failure. Perfectionism robs you of your joy and is a huge sign of an anxiety issue.

Difficulty Relaxing

Your schedule is busy, but even when you get a moment to yourself, you’re uncomfortably restless. You struggle to switch off from work/mothering/helping/productivity.


Are you part of the reason your schedule is that busy? High-achieving women tend to take on a lot because they can handle a lot… but when anxiety starts calling the shots, your schedule is busy because of FOMO or a desire to prove your worth. (BTW did anyone else feel absolutely dragged by “Surface Pressure” in the movie Encanto? “I’m pretty sure I’m worthless if I can’t be of service”… whew)

Difficulty Delegating

Not only does it feel like you’re the only one who can handle that account / that patient / the kids’ school lunches, but it also makes you a bit nauseous to think of just letting someone else handle it. Do you wish literally everything wasn’t on you? YES! But how can you trust someone else to uphold your standards? Keeping everything on your own to-do list ensures it’s done well… and doubles down on your burnout and anxiety.

Physical Symptoms

Anxiety truly lives in the body. Headaches, muscle tension, sweating/feeling flushed, insomnia, gastrointestinal issues, fatigue, and even menstrual irregularity can all be symptoms of anxiety.

Imposter Syndrome

Even when you’re succeeding on the outside, you feel like you’re not supposed to be where you are. Self-doubt, fear of being “found out,” and feeling like none of your successes feel real or meaningful can not only be caused by anxiety, they can increase your anxiety, keeping you trapped in a vicious cycle.

Avoidance Behaviors

Hmm, another factor related to that busy schedule — are you “too booked” to try new things, meet new people, or step out of your comfort zone? Yet another way anxiety tries to keep us small.


Anxiety can make decision-making nearly impossible, particularly when coupled with perfectionism. Worrying over the “wrong” choice can be paralyzing, and procrastination may feel like the only option.

Social Withdrawal

Social anxiety does not discriminate. Even women who look successful on the outside may second guess themselves when meeting new people or replay that one awkward interaction in their heads for days after everyone else has forgotten about it. And if this isn’t a normal part of your interactions but your general anxiety has really progressed, you may be feeling more and more uncomfortable in social situations — isolating just feels safer.

Image of a thoughtful woman looking out a window as the sun shines on her face. Begin working with a skilled anxiety therapist in New Orleans, LA to work on overcoming your anxiety symptoms and begin taking charge of your life.

Your Anxiety Isn’t Helping You

I know it may feel like your anxiety is how you got here — to being this amazingly impressive self you’ve worked so hard to become. Your worried thoughts, your over-caution, and your perfectionism are the actual vehicles of your success. As if your anxiety keeps you productive, and focused, on your game. If you don’t hold onto anxiety, will you settle for just… average?

It may even feel like you aren’t sure who you are without these thoughts. Anxiety is often something that’s been there forever. “I guess I was a worrier as a kid,” many of my patients tell me. When being anxious becomes intertwined with identity, you may worry that you’ll lose a part of your identity when you start therapy for anxiety.

I need you to hear me on this one — anxiety is not helping you finish your dissertation, making sure you’re on your game while parenting, motivating you to go for that promotion, or keeping your business afloat. Anxiety is not keeping you safe. YOU are doing all of those things while anxiety is distracting you, and it’s making it harder for you to succeed.

Therapy for Anxiety Can Help

You are so incredibly capable. If this were easy, or if you could do this on your own, you already would have kicked anxiety to the curb! It’s not easy. If it feels like anxiety is taking over your life, as a skilled anxiety therapist at Rebecca AE Smith, Ph.D., would love to help you get rid of it while maintaining your successes, your fire, your motivation, and your sense of self. If you’ve gotten this far with anxiety, imagine how far you’ll go when you’re in charge.

Image of a woman jumping up smiling while standing in a field. If you struggle with perfectionism and anxiety, learn how anxiety therapy in New Orleans, LA can help you cope!

Begin Overcoming Your Anxiety With The Help of Therapy for Anxiety in New Orleans, LA!

Empower yourself to conquer anxiety and unlock your full potential. Begin your journey towards mental well-being today by prioritizing your mental health with therapy for anxiety. Take the courageous step towards a calmer, more fulfilling life with Rebecca AE Smith, Ph.D., where your success is not hindered by anxious thoughts but propelled by your inner strength. Follow these three simple steps to get started:

  1. Contact Rebcca AE Smith, PhD. to schedule an appointment

  2. Begin meeting with skilled anxiety therapist, Rebecca AE Smith, Ph.D.

  3. Start overcoming your anxiety symptoms and take charge of your life!

Other Services Offered With Rebecca AE Smith, Ph.D.

Are you a millennial struggling with anxiety, perfectionism, life transitions, and more? With Rebecca AE Smith, Ph.D., I can help you work through your struggles or challenges to begin managing and coping with your symptoms in healthy ways. So in addition to Therapy for Anxiety, I also provide Therapy for Women for those who struggle with burnout, stress, work-life balance, navigating relationships, and more! As well as Therapy for Perfectionism for those struggling to overcome their symptoms and stress of feeling perfect all the time. At my practice, I provide online services for those in Louisiana and Virginia. For more about me check out my About Me page and Blog!